New Beginnings
Yes – I’m one of those people. I love January 1. The start of a new year always brings me a sense of joy and purpose. I logically understand that I don’t need the beginning of a new year to make changes in my life, but for reasons that aren’t logical, I can’t help myself. The beginning of a new year is like a clean slate that I can’t wait to fill.
I know I’m not alone in my January giddiness. There’s too much chatter out there in the world about New Year’s resolutions, word of the year, setting goals, etc. I am inAWE that God in his gracious kindness and knowledge of His children gave us so many opportunities for a fresh start.

Every single 24 hours we get a new morning – a clean slate, a fresh start…

He gives us fresh starts through new weeks, months, years and fresh new seasons.
And when we put our faith in Him and trust Him as our Savior, he gives us new life. Not just eternal life, although that is true and beautiful.
He also gives us a new lease on life in this world, right here and now.

Not just a new year, but a new decade – talk about a fresh start!
So here I am, not just in a new year, but in a new decade, basking in the promise of something new – and hopefully, improved! No matter what I do this year, I want to be more present. When I’m working, I want to be making the most of the opportunity. When I’m spending time with my family, my goal is to be in the moment and make memories. When I’m watching Netflix, I want to give it my full attention – not scrolling Facebook on my phone and creating pretty Pinterest images on my laptop. ALL. AT. THE. SAME. TIME. There is simply no joy in that. So, in 2020 no matter what I’m doing, I want to give it my full FOCUS – aka effort and attention.
Today in this moment, I am in love and inAWE of the countless ways God has blessed me with fresh, clean, new beginnings. I pray I will make the most of each one and enjoy them in the way that He intended. And may that be my attitude even when it is mid-January or the end of May. It doesn’t matter because thanks to God’s grace, ANY time is a good time to start anew.
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