30 Daily, Positive, Christian Affirmations Based on Identity in Christ

I mentioned in a recent post that my intention for the new year is to focus on the truth of what God says about me, to commit myself to believe truthful, positive, Biblical affirmations about myself and to let my identity in Christ define me. I sat down last week and created 12 cell phone wallpaper - one for each month of the year that features a Christian affirmation. Here is January’s wallpaper (Blue Snow Scene). You can download this wallpaper and view all our FREE Christian phone wallpapers HERE

january smartphone wallpaper.

What a Difference Some Truth Makes 

I’ve had this truth-filled wallpaper on my phone for only 5 days, and let me tell you…it is AWE-some to see this truth when I look at my phone – which, let’s be honest, is far more often than I should. Seriously, though, I can’t believe what a difference it makes to see these positive words of truth many, many times every day. It brings John 8:32 to life: You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

I feel a sense of joy and peace EVERY SINGLE TIME I read it. I truly hope you’ll join me on this journey. Please share your experience with our community in the comments below. Let’s use this space as a place to encourage one another to focus and believe God’s truth.

Christian Affirmations - Front and Center

Another way I’m putting this into practice is by displaying our product – 30 Great Truths About Me – where I see it often. Right now, I’m using an IKEA phone holder to keep it front and center on my desk.

 christian affirmation book open and displayed on desk.

However, I’ve asked inAWE’s production manager (aka Jeff - my husband) to work on designing a stand that we can offer our customers. I can’t wait to see what he designs.

Affirmation Cards 

I also have affirmation cards strategically placed around my home:

  • Near our coffee maker (which is the 2nd thing I touch in the morning after my glasses – because I’m Blind with a capital B),
  • In my bathroom,
  • On my nightstand,
  • Near my iMac, and last and certainly least…
  • On my treadmill – which is currently covered in dust. (Anyone else 🙋‍♀️)

Sometime soon, I will post about these affirmations and share them as a free pdf printable.

30 Positive Christian Affirmations - Free Printable 

I've created a free printable pdf of 30 Positive Christian Affirmations (black + white for easy printing plus one with a beautiful blue background). These positive, daily affirmations are what makes our 30 Great Truths About Me - Christian affirmation book so powerful.

 List of 30 Daily, Positive, Christian Affirmations 

Below is a list for you to read. I pray your soul will lap up these truths and that you will be filled up to overflowing with joy, peace, and comfort. You can also find these truths on inAWE’s Christian Affirmations Pinterest board.

  •  I am never alone because God is always with me. I can count on Him.
  • God's strength in me is always greater than my struggles.
  • Because I belong to God, I live in holy confidence and humble dependence.
  • I am deeply loved, divinely appointed, abundantly equipped, and profoundly cherished by God.
  • God is not done with me yet. I'm not who I was, and I'm not who I will be.
  • Jesus is my friend. He shares God's Word and thoughts with me.
  • I am a living, breathing miracle because Jesus lives in me.
  • I experience peace and rest that is given to me by God and is not of this world.
  • Because I am in Christ, I am a new creation. I have been born again.
  • I am fully known by God. He accepts and loves me right here, right now.
  • God's love for me does not depend on what I do. He loves me because I am His child.
  • The Holy Spirit lives in me and provides every spiritual blessing that I need.
  • I am created in the divine image and likeness of God. I am wonderfully made.
  • God has not given me a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and a sound mind.
  • No matter what comes my way, God's grace is more than enough for me.
  • I am filled with the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.
  • God has my back and is actively working on my behalf.
  • My hope is in God. No matter what lies ahead He is already there. I cannot be shaken.
  • I am the workmanship of God, uniquely designed for a purpose.
  • God is working in me. I live and serve powerfully under the shelter of the Most High God.
  • My sins have been forgiven. I am redeemed.
  • I am more than a conqueror. Overwhelming victory is mine in Christ Jesus.
  • My God is loving and strong. He is in control. I trust that He has a plan for me.
  • I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
  • I am the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ.
  • The Lord will fight for me. I need only be still. The battle belongs to Him alone.
  • I am free from the power of sin and death.
  • I am loved by God more than I can imagine. Nothing can separate me from His love.
  • Because my God is faithful, I can trust His timing and His ways.
  • I am a child of God and share in a glorious inheritance with Jesus.

I want to make these truths readily available to everyone – which is why I created the pdf to share.

Special Offer: Christian Gifts in Bulk for Your Friends

If you’d like to have your own 30 Great Truths book and share them with your friends and family, we’ve created a special offer. You can use coupon code B5G1 BLOG to get one free book for every five you purchase.  Just add 6 books (or 12 or 18...) to your shopping cart and enter the code. And remember, orders within the US ship for free.

I’m truly loving the opportunity to focus on these Christian affirmations and share them with you. It helps me solidify them in my own heart and dream up other ways to bring them into my everyday life.

I am, as always, inAWE. - Kasey with dove icon 

1 comment

  • Jessica

    I love this post!! What a great gift.

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