2020: The Year of FOCUS

It is usually early January before I give any thought to a word for the year.  There’s just too much going on before, during and after Christmas for me to have any time for deep thoughts and planning for a new year.  This year was no different.  

Road to My Word for the Year – FOCUS

In early January we took a spontaneous family road trip to Roswell, NM. My college freshman daughter is interested in conspiracy theories; we needed something to “break up” her month long break; and she needed some “big road” driving experience.  (I think Interstate 40 definitely provided that.) 

We headed west with my husband riding shotgun and me in the backseat.  I had an eight hour road trip ahead of me and a copy of Lisa Jacob’s Your Best Year productivity workbook and business planner. It was actually the 2018 edition, but I have recently committed to using what I have rather than purchasing something to replace it.  So with a few tweaks, I’m using it to plan for 2020. I highly recommend this workbook. It helps you review the prior year and make solid plans for the new one. I enjoyed every minute of the drive from Stillwater to Roswell, listening to my daughter’s Spotify playlist and putting together a plan for 2020.  

Why I Chose FOCUS for my Word of the Year

The ride home from our spontaneous road trip was more of the same.  While completing the pages of the workbook, I decided my word for 2020 should be FOCUS.  Here are a few reasons why:

1) Last year I completed the enneagram test to find out that I’m an Enthusiast.  While we are happy, go-lucky people, we have a tendency to bounce around from one good idea to another;

2) I’ve committed to a 30-day challenge where I consistently add products to my Etsy shop as well as update my SEO and shop Every. Single. Day;

3) I will be on the road with my husband for at least eight weeks this year.  That means I have to be laser-focused when I am at home to prepare for filling orders while on the road; and

4) I want to continue growing inAWE to make a consistent, substantial contribution to our personal finances.

Word of the Year – FOCUS Poster

When I got home, I used Canva to create a 12” x 16” poster for my craft studio to remind me every day to FOCUS.

poster of 2020 word of the year - focus.

And I'm posting this blog to remind myself of the reasons why it is important to me. 



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