How To Balance Holy Confidence in God with Humble Dependence on God

I love the dichotomy in this affirmation. The contrast between holy confidence and humble dependence. These words paint a rich description of life with Jesus. Every time I read them, a wave of peace and comfort washes over me.

This Christian affirmation finds its roots in the powerful promise of Isaiah 43:1-2. 

But now, this is what the Lord says—
    he who created you, Jacob,
    he who formed you, Israel:
Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
    I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned;
    the flames will not set you ablaze.” 

God reassures His people that no matter what trials they face—whether it feels like overwhelming waters or consuming fire—He will be with them. These verses echo the deep truth that we do not have to face life’s challenges alone. 

God, who created and redeemed us, has called us by name, and we belong to Him. This sense of belonging instills a holy confidence within us, knowing that even when we pass through the hardest moments, He is present, shielding and guiding us.

When the floods of uncertainty rise or the fires of difficulty blaze, these verses remind us that God’s protection is steadfast. Our HOLY CONFIDENCE is not based on our ability to overcome, but on His promise to carry us through. 

Likewise, the call to HUMBLE DEPENDENCE comes from knowing that we are not self-sufficient. It is in acknowledging our limitations that we invite God’s limitless power into our lives.

Whether we are overwhelmed by fear or navigating the unknown, Isaiah 43:1-2 encourages us to trust in the One who holds us in His hands, offering peace and assurance in every storm.


Earlier this month I was reading my daily devotional - New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp. This quote was at the top of the page:

This is the basis for our holy confidence as believers. It means when things are happening that we don’t understand or the unknown lurks around the corner, we can be confident knowing that God is in control.

He is always working, always loving, always strong. His wisdom is unfathomable. His grace is unending. He is faithful. 

He is never surprised, and we are never alone. No matter what comes our way, we can trust that He holds it all in his hands. I don’t have to understand everything because He does! He is in charge, and He is good.

Because we belong to God, our hope is more than just what we wish would happen; like -  “I hope it doesn’t rain today.”

Our hope is more than what we think should happen. For instance, “I hope the judge brings a guilty verdict.”

Our hope is Biblical hope - a “confident expectation of a guaranteed result that changes the way we live.”

I’m reminded of the day when my Dad had a suspected heart attack. I was two hours away from the hospital - waiting on more information. My mind was spinning;  my anxiety high. But I was also babysitting my grandson who was very tired and needed a nap. As was my routine, I would sing “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hand” to him and make it personal. 

When I got to the verse where I reference my parents, God blessed me with holy confidence that all would be well as I sang, “He’s got your Mimz and Pappy in His hand…He’s got the whole world in His hand.” This sweet song we sang in Sunday school reminded me that He does indeed hold all things in His hands. 

Thank God for His character of love and faithfulness that affords us the luxury of holy confidence.


I enjoy reading The Message version of the Bible. Often it helps me to grasp a better understanding of the underlying message in a Scripture.

One example of this is Matthew 5 - commonly referred to as the beatitudes. To be honest, they always confused me as a young adult. I could never really grasp what Jesus was saying. And then I read them in The Message. Instead of reading, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” verse 3. The Message says it this way:

THAT, I understand - all. too. well. You see, I’m guilty of having a very long rope. I think that I can handle things just fine. I will figure it out. I will solve the problem. Me, me, me 😫 And this never ends well. 

Inevitably, I will get to the end of my rope and find nothing there - EXCEPT me and Jesus.  Oh, yes - He is always there. Patiently waiting for me to move from prideful independence to humble dependence.  And, as you might guess, this always ends well 😍

I am constantly trying to cultivate this humble dependence in my life, but it does not come easily to me. I recently accepted a call to assist with a Bible study ministry. I knew it would stretch me (and the long rope I carry around) - which is why I ultimately decided to say yes. I know it will be a tool God will use to teach me to depend more on Him and less on me. 

God is also using the failing health of my parents to teach me to be humbly dependent on Him. While writing this post, my dad called to tell me my mom “misplaced” her dentures. He didn’t know what to do because he had looked everywhere. I wasn’t sure what to tell him to do, and I live two hours from their home. So, I sent a text to my brother (who lives close to them), and he sent a text to our nephew who was planning to visit them today.  

Here I am again, at the end of my rope, so I said a prayer. “Please God. Help them find her missing teeth.” Seriously! During this season of life, I have prayed for some strange things. Because God is a good, good Father and He cares about things that concern His children. He is always ready and willing to help us in our time of need - big, small and everything in between. 

It took my nephew less than 5 minutes to find my mom’s dentures. His first thought was to look in the bed. What?!? Why?!? When he didn’t find them there, he looked underneath, and there they were! She must have gone to sleep wearing them, and they fell out while she was sleeping.  

This is one of my favorite Christian quotes. It is a beautiful reminder that we should have both holy confidence and humble dependence. (By the way, if you like this quote, check out the phone wallpaper at the bottom of this blog post.)

I don’t know about you, but I desperately need this affirmation in my spiritual tool box.  I need to be reminded that :

#1 - I have holy confidence in God because He is in control.
#2 - I need humble dependence on God because I am not in control. 


As we reflect on the truth of Isaiah 43:1-2 and the beautiful balance of holy confidence and humble dependence, we’re reminded of God’s unfailing presence in every trial. This affirmation, rooted in Scripture, offers a daily reminder of His faithfulness, and it can serve as an anchor for your soul.

If you’re seeking more encouragement through God’s Word, I invite you to explore our Christian affirmation book. It includes this powerful affirmation along with 29 others, each based on Scripture, designed to inspire and uplift you in your walk with Christ. Let these Biblical affirmations fill your heart with peace and remind you of the strength that comes from trusting in God.

You can purchase your copy today and keep these truths close as a source of daily encouragement. You can also download this free phone wallpaper with this affirmation. 

I am, as always, inAWE. - Kasey


1 comment

  • Kristen

    Wow, such encouragement! Thank you! God truly never does leave us nor forsake us. Thank you for this encouraging post!

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