Knowing Our Identity in Christ: Loved, Appointed, Equipped and Cherished

Anyone else out there sometimes forget this all important truth?!? I’ve been a Christian for more than 40 years and still I struggle. That’s why I keep reminders close at hand, like our Christian Affirmation Book, which helps me return to these truths and keeps my heart grounded in God’s promises. 

Writing a series of blog posts about the affirmations in this book have really helped me cement these truths in my heart, giving me the chance to reflect on its meaning and share it with others. I’d encourage you to take the time to reflect on it as well and call to mind times when God has proven these truths to you. 

This power-packed truth, inspired by Ephesians 2:4-7, reminds us of who we are in Christ and the incredible grace we have received. It’s not just a feel-good statement; it’s a reflection of our identity as children of God, rooted in His Word.


Ephesians 2:4 says, “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ.”

I’ve known this verse for years, but it wasn’t until I experienced it firsthand that I truly understood its significance.

After suffering three heartbreaking miscarriages, I found myself grappling with grief and uncertainty. It was during this time that I experienced God's mercy and love in a way I will never forget. Despite the heartache, God blessed us with not one, but two beautiful daughters. Girls are not common in the Yerby family; it had been decades since a daughter was born into our line. When our first daughter (Jessica) arrived, it was a miracle in itself, a precious reminder of God’s love and kindness.

Then, He gave us our second daughter (Katey), and to me, she was like an exclamation mark from God—His way of showing just how much He cared for me. I saw her birth as a profound and unmistakable sign of His great love. God’s gift of these two daughters, especially when it seemed almost impossible, revealed to me just how deeply I am loved by Him. It’s a love that surpasses understanding and fills my heart with gratitude and AWE.


God’s love goes far beyond simply saving us; He has a unique purpose for each of us, specifically designed with His glory in mind.

As Ephesians 2:6 tells us, “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.”

This verse resonates with the powerful truth that what God has for you is for you. We are divinely appointed, called to live out the specific plans God has for us, in a way that reflects His love and grace.

One of the clearest ways I’ve seen what God has for you is for you in my life is through my journey with inAWE Handmade. For years, I loved paper crafting, but it felt more like a hobby than a calling. It wasn’t until I sensed God stirring something deeper in my heart that I understood He wanted to use my creativity for His glory.

I shared this story in a previous blog post, describing how God revealed that my passion could be a form of ministry, encouraging others in their walk with Christ.

That realization was the beginning of inAWE Handmade. I came to see that God had appointed me to create meaningful, handcrafted items that could inspire and uplift others on their faith journeys.

Looking back, I see how God used my passion for paper crafting not just as a creative outlet, but as a way to fulfill His purpose through me. It’s incredible to witness how what God has for you is for you in such a personal way, as He uses our unique gifts to share His love and encourage others.


In Ephesians 2:7, we’re reminded that, “in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.”

God’s provision is as abundant as His love. This verse reassures me that where God guides, He provides, equipping us with everything we need to fulfill His purposes.

This year, I was asked to take on the role of a Bible Study Fellowship group leader—a role that felt daunting, to say the least. We’re studying the book of Revelation, which is challenging even for seasoned Bible readers, and I felt deeply inadequate. I agreed because there was a need for new leaders, and I wanted to make sure that every woman who wanted to study God’s Word would have the opportunity to do so.

Despite my fears, God has abundantly equipped me in ways I never expected. First of all, He provided this wonderful group of strong Christian women to serve alongside. (In case you don't know what I look like - that's me on the far left.)

He also blessed me with a discussion group jam-packed with incredible women, including three who have served as group leaders in the past. Their experience has been invaluable, and their encouragement has been a constant source of strength. Alongside them are other beautiful women of God who have shown me so much grace and kindness, blessing me with their support and wisdom.

In these moments, I see clearly that where God guides, He provides. God equips us not just through our own abilities but also through the people He places around us. I am reminded that when God calls us, He surrounds us with the resources, support, and grace we need to walk confidently in our calling.


God’s love for us is truly unfathomable, but there’s something even more intimate about how He cherishes us. While love is foundational, to be cherished adds another layer of depth. To be cherished means to be valued and cared for in a way that honors our uniqueness.

As a mom, I know what it’s like to love my daughters deeply. But I also cherish them in unique ways. I’ve learned their personalities, strengths, and quirks, and I care for them accordingly. Each daughter is so different, and I cherish those differences, caring for each one in a way that reflects who she truly is.

If I, as an earthly parent, cherish my daughters in their individuality, how much more does God cherish each of us? He knows us better than we know our own children and cares for us with the most intimate understanding of who we are. God doesn’t just love us broadly; He cherishes us personally, caring for our unique needs and nurturing us in ways that reflect His perfect knowledge of us.

In Zephaniah 3:17, we’re reminded that God “takes great delight” in us and even “rejoices over us with singing.”

It’s a beautiful picture of how God cherishes us, not just as a group of His children, but as individuals whom He knows intimately. To be cherished by God is to be uniquely known, valued, and loved in ways that are personal and profound.


Embracing our identity in Christ means recognizing that we are deeply loved, divinely appointed, abundantly equipped, and profoundly cherished by God.

These truths are not just affirmations; they are powerful reminders of how God sees us and the purpose He has for each of our lives. When we meditate on these affirmations, they can transform the way we see ourselves and our place in God’s plan.

To help you hold onto these truths, I’m offering a free phone wallpaper with this affirmation, so you can have a beautiful reminder of your identity in Christ wherever you go.

Check out this blog post for the link to download this phone wallpaper and 30+ more featuring Bible verses, quotes or Christian affirmations. Or click on the image below to be directed to the file on Google Drive.

For those who enjoy reading and sharing Scripture, I’ve also created instant download bookmarks featuring this affirmation. They’re perfect for marking your place in your Bible, your favorite devotional, or any book you’re reading.

If you find strength in affirmations like this, you might enjoy our Christian Affirmation Book, which includes this and 29 other beautiful affirmations inspired by Scripture. Each one is thoughtfully crafted to help you draw closer to God, embrace His promises, and walk confidently in your faith. Whether you keep it by your bedside, in your bag, or on your desk, I hope it can be a source of daily encouragement as you reflect on God’s love and guidance.

Remember, in Christ, you are not only loved and cherished but also appointed and equipped for every good work He has planned for you.

My prayer is that these resources help you deepen your relationship with God and live out your identity in Christ with confidence and joy.

I am, as always, inAWE. - Kasey

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